Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rain barrel surprise

Our demo barrels are now in the office if you would like to come by and check them out. Robbyn has kindly inspected them from the inside & out!

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At Tue Jul 15, 04:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be sure to find rain barrels which offer mesh mosquito guards, and also look for barrels which have overflow valves-allowing the excess water to flow out of the rain barrels and away from your foundation. Hooking a drip hose to this valve is a great way to give your garden or flower bed a constant source of moisture.

At Tue Jul 15, 04:15:00 PM, Blogger Robbyn_Drake said...

But I never found Oscar...

At Tue Jul 15, 09:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you consider the installation of your rain barrel - other products to consider are downspout filters and downspout diverters - You can also get a larger over-flow port for any barrel here: http://www.aquabarrel.com


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