Riverwatch Intern Update!
Good Day Riverwatch Captains and H2O concerned citizens,
I just wanted to give a little update as to what I, the intern, have been up to. With January being an extremely brisk month, and waterways being frozen over, I have spent a bunch of time working on our databases and streamlining data collection for web posting pourposes. With that said you may have noticed a slightly different look to the pages that contain the data collection charts.
First we have added a link to Google maps where you are able to see exactly where each water testing site is located. Many of them also have pictures of the exact site with some of our captains in action! I was hoping to be able to add a link to each site that would take me to their exact location, without having to save individual maps, but I wasn't successful in figuring that one out. If any of you have any ideas feel free to share them with me!
Another change you may notice is that we have seperated the data witnessed in the charts into more manageable pieces. I did this so that it would be easier to read the data, as well as manage it on a year by year basis, meaning we have seperate links for data from the beginning of a sites testing data to the end of 2008 and a new graph for 2009. If anyone has any problems with the size of the graphs just let me know and I'll make them bigger for you.
When was the last time you checked out the e.coli data graphs? Beginning with 2009's data you will see multiple graphs when you click on a specific site's e.coli link. The first you will see is the usual graph tracking data on a monthly basis for the entire year. The new graph is a merging of the data you have collected for us with the daily precipitation totals. We did this to help show how precipitation can correlate with the e.coli readings that we get.
Does anyone remember Robbyn mentioning the Icewatch Program in the January Captains Report? If not the US Army Corp. of Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in New Hampshire asked for Riverkeeper's help in monitoring the Buffalo River and Cazenovia Creek for ice conditions. Recently I went around to 25 different sites between the two waterways taking pictures of the ice conditions and forwarding them on the Army Corp. If anyone else would like to participate that would be GREAT! Just give Robbyn a call at 716-852-7483. Here is a link to view current conditions on Cazenovia Creek as seen from an Army Corp placed camera!
Well I hope everyone is well and looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming Volunteer Appreciation Party!!!