Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gubernatorial Gas

Photo: New York Times

Three Western governors, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, are launching an advertising campaign sponsored by Environmental Defense to increase public support for climate change legislation. The 30-second ads will feature the governors in rugged outdoor clothing in scenic spots threatened by global warming. On Wednesday, 9 Midwestern governors and the premier of Manitoba signed an agreement to lower carbon emissions. Read the New York Times article here.

Well, television commercials and signed agreements are all very well, but Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue is employing another tactic to deal with Georgia's chronic drought: a prayer vigil. Hundreds of people gathered on the steps of the capitol building to pray for rain to alleviate Georgia's extreme water shortage.

"Oh father, we acknowledge our wastefulness," Perdue said. "But we're doing better. And I thought it was time to acknowledge that to the creator, the provider of water and land, and to tell him that we will do better."

Perhaps they should have thought of that before allowing an explosion of unchecked urban development with insufficient conservation measures in the scorching Southeast. As one protester of the event said, "I'm praying for a NEW GOVERNOR!"

Click here to read the Los Angeles Times article.


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