September 15th Cleanup!

Hello everyone,
Over 500 volunteers turned out on an unseasonably cold September 15th for Riverkeeper's Autumn Beach Sweep. The pictures from above are students at Old Bailey Peninsula on the Buffalo River, our new dolphin mascot found along Ellicott Creek in Williamsville, tires at Ohio St. Boat Launch, Jim Metzger with a shopping cart at Squaw Island, Houghton College honors students at the mouth of Scajaquada Creek, and volunteers along Cayuga Creek in Lancaster, respectively. Over 18 miles of shoreline were cleaned in one day and several tons of trash removed. Among the strangest items found were an inflatable pink dolphin along Ellicott Creek in Williamsville and a toilet along the Buffalo River on Old Bailey Peninsula. All volunteers received an environmentally friendly t-shirt designed by Buffalo's own Planet Love.
Thanks to all who participated! We appreciate your stewardship of your waterways!
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